Ich habe mich mal an Muffins probiert … soll ein kleines Dankeschön werden.
As a thank you I prepared some muffins ... I just need to add some chocolate icing then it will be even better.
30. August

27. August

Schnitzel Dienstag
Heute ist Schnitzeltag zmd. bei Rühbezahl wo alles in noch in den 70ern spielt und man meinen könnte die Zeit ist stehen geblieben. Ich habe mich für ein Schnitzel mit Zwiebelrahmsauce und Schinken entschieden. Den Schinken hätte ich nicht gebraucht, dafür war der Rest super lecker.
Today is schnitzel day at Rühbezahl, where everything is still set in the 70s and you could be forgiven for thinking that time has stood still. I chose a schnitzel with onion cream sauce and ham. I didn't need the ham, but the rest was really good.
Today is schnitzel day at Rühbezahl, where everything is still set in the 70s and you could be forgiven for thinking that time has stood still. I chose a schnitzel with onion cream sauce and ham. I didn't need the ham, but the rest was really good.
25. August

Man könnte denken wenn es keine Kellerräume gebe, würde es auch kein Trödelmarkt geben. Bei den ein oder anderen Sachen hätte man es dort lassen können oder gleich entsorgen können. Trotz alledem waren auch die anderen vernünftigen Sachen dabei, ich nicht, aber ein Teil meiner Familie hat doch das was mitgenommen bzw. für sich gefunden.
Ps. Ich habe kein Keller zuhause.
Germans have quite much stuff in their basements and flea markets are the opportunity to get rid of it. Some of this stuff looks like it's from centuries ago, some sell their car model selection, other people sell their clothes and some are just odd. Anyway, sometime you can actually find something you like or you can just a grab a sausage in a bun. :D
Ps. Ich habe kein Keller zuhause.
Germans have quite much stuff in their basements and flea markets are the opportunity to get rid of it. Some of this stuff looks like it's from centuries ago, some sell their car model selection, other people sell their clothes and some are just odd. Anyway, sometime you can actually find something you like or you can just a grab a sausage in a bun. :D
17. August

Adams Family Musical
It's been a while to see a musical. My sisters boyfriend is part of a musical group and he had his summer musical of the Adams Family, which just had his opening night yesterday. Today was his turn and with my sister and friends we got to see the Adams Family on stage.
I knew Wednesday the daughter of the Adams Family who got a spin off on Netflix, but I haven't heard anything else of the original before.
Anyway the acting and costuming was really good and with the open stage it had a good vibe.
I knew Wednesday the daughter of the Adams Family who got a spin off on Netflix, but I haven't heard anything else of the original before.
Anyway the acting and costuming was really good and with the open stage it had a good vibe.
12. August

Ein weiteres Klemmbausteine Set
Ich habe mir ueber Kleinanzeigen eine japanische Kantine gekauft, mit Licht sogar. Mir gefaellt es ;)
8. August

Schon wieder hier
Wieder nur ein kurzer stopp hier, dieses mal auf der anderen Seite der Promenade.
Again a quick stop at the lake, just on the other side.
Again a quick stop at the lake, just on the other side.
6. August

Ich bin noch auf der Suche
Da ich von und aus mehreren Quellen Japanisch lerne ist die Suche nach einem Buch wo man mal von Anfang an beginnen kann eher schwer ohne die einen oder anderen Themen zu haben die ich schon kenne ... ein Buch mit einer Uebersicht aller Grammatik waere schoen.
Since I am learning Japanese from several sources, finding a book where I can start from the beginning is rather difficult without having somic topics I already know ... a book with an overview of all the grammar would be nice.
Since I am learning Japanese from several sources, finding a book where I can start from the beginning is rather difficult without having somic topics I already know ... a book with an overview of all the grammar would be nice.
4. August

Mini Bagels
Da ich bald wohl Bagels probieren werde habe ich schon mal ein paar Mini Bagel bekommen. :D
Since I will try bagels in a couple weeks I already got a bagel snack ahead. :D
Since I will try bagels in a couple weeks I already got a bagel snack ahead. :D