27. April
New Jersey ;-)

Da ich nur ein Fahrradtrikot besitze dachte ich mir, ein zweites waere nicht schlecht.


I bought a new bike jersey! Besides it's a Canada design it also fits perfect to my black and red bike. I'm excited to get it!!

27. April
Altena Castle

Die Kilometerzaehler laeuft. Bei gutem Wetter, aber noch niedrigen Temperaturen ging es zur Burg Altena.


I didn't know this castle exist but while researching for sightseeing as well as for a new destination for a bike trip I thought this is possible by bike. With nearly one and a half hour I arrived safe and happy at the top!

25. April

Die ersten Erdbeeren!! Noch aus der Roehre, aber schon suess und lecker!


The first strawberry this year. Oh so yummy!

23. April
Der fruehe Vogel faengt den Wurm

Beim arbeiten in der Frueh, hat man so gut wie immer einen echt schoenen Himmel bzw. Sonnenaufgang.


How beautiful it can be if you work in the early morning. The time when everyone is still sleeping is the best time you can catch a wonderful sunrise.

20. April
Another 130 kilometer

Das erste mal ueberhaupt das ich in Muenster war, sowie das erste mal 130 km mit dem Fahrrad.

Ich bin schon am ueberlegen wohin es als naechstes geht.


Another bike ride, this time with my own bike! The destination wasn't as important, more important was the way. I wanted to know if I can make 100k in one day. To arrive in Muenster was nice to have a final destination. Similar to the previous time, I came, stayed a bit and returned home.

12. April
Hello Freiburg

Der erste Eindruck der Stadt war echt gut, es gibt eine schoene Altstadt, die Stadt war einigermassen belebt und mit dem Fahrrad konnte ich einiges an den einen Tag sehen. Vielleicht verschlaegt es mich nochmal nach Freiburg, wenn dann Gaststatten, Geschaefte und Sehenswuerdigkeiten wieder aufhaben, mal sehen.


First time I've been to Freiburg, it seemed like a really nice city! A lot of old buildings and historic architecture. The old part of the town suppose to be nice to hangout, grab a beer and to eat lunch. Unfortunately is this not possible at all at the moment ... another time!
Despite it was kinda cold and I couldn't go inside shops or do as much sightseeings, so I was again on the bike the entire day.

11. April
Bike trip

Kleine Reise in den Schwarzwald! Da mein Papa ein E-Bike in Loerrach gefunden hatte und es ein Geburtstaggeschenk fuer meine Schwester werden soll, musste es irgendwie den Weg nach Dortmund schaffen. Darauf hatte ich gesagt ich fahre gern mit dem Fahrrad von Loerrach nach Freiburg und nehme dann am naechsten Tag den Zug von Freiburg zurueck nach Hause.

So ging es dann heute morgen mit dem ICE und Bus runter in den Sueden Deutschlands, gegen Mittag war ich dann endlich da. Die Uebergabe vom Fahrrad verlief ohne probleme und somit hatte ich knapp 70 Kilometer vor mir nach Freiburg!


My first short trip since I'm back home! Due to the current restriction it is not really possible to travel, but with the reason to buy a bike it was kinda allowed.

My dad found a bike by ebay and asked me if I could pick it up, the bike is a birthday present for my sister, I love to bike and so I said yes! First I had to take train down to the Suisse-German border, then I picked up the bike and drove approx. 70k to Freiburg the next biggest town to stay over.

While riding along the black forest I had on my right awesome views, crossed a lot of small, old and cute villages and had a great time biking!

4. April
Frohe Ostern

Nach drei Jahren bin ich an Ostern mal wieder zuhause!


It's been a while I celebrated Easter, I feel it's in Europe more important than in Canada. It's actually the most important holiday for christian's.

Thank you for checking out my blog!

The inital of creating this online diary was a work and holiday program starting in September 2017, in Canada. After leaving the Canadian Westcoast in autumn 2020, I returned back to Germany for nearly two years where I already prepared my time in Japan where I stayed from 2022 October an entire year. After a couple months living in New Zealand I am about to head to new adventures, which I will let you know here on my blog.

You can find short stories and stunning images from the Canadian Westcoast, my hometown in Germany and Japan with its rich culture and delicious food.