Wir haben ein mitbringsel aus Chiba bekommmen, und zwar Reiscracker und eine Art Honigkekse.
In Japan ist Omiyage mehr als nur ein Souvenir. Es sind Geschenke, oft lokale Spezialitäten wie Süßigkeiten oder Snacks, die Reisende für Familie, Freunde oder Kollegen mitbringen.
Omiyage "Souvenirs" sind überall zu finden, von Bahnhoefen, Raststaetten, Touristengeschaeften bis zu Flughaefen, und zumeist sind diese schoen und aufwendig Verpackt.
We received a gift from Chiba: rice crackers and a type of honey cookies.
In Japan, Omiyage is more than just a souvenir. These are gifts, often local specialties like sweets or snacks, that travelers bring back for family, friends, or colleagues.
Omiyage souvenirs can be found everywhere—from train stations, rest stops, and tourist shops to airports—and they are usually beautifully and elaborately packaged.
30. November
27. November
Da der Winter vor Tuer steht und es anscheinend viel Schnee geben soll, habe ich mir gefuehlt zum ersten mal Schneeschuhe besorgt. Dazu kamen dann noch ein Paar Pullover, eine warme Muetzen und einen Hausschlappen.
As it suppose to heavy snow in the mountains I needed to get snow boots, first time I think I bought myself some boots. The last years it just worked out wiht my regular boots but at a certain time even in those it wasn't perfect. Therefor I got snow boots, a toque, long pants, house shoes and so on ... there are even people say we need snow shoes for under the boots to be able to get trough the snow.
As it suppose to heavy snow in the mountains I needed to get snow boots, first time I think I bought myself some boots. The last years it just worked out wiht my regular boots but at a certain time even in those it wasn't perfect. Therefor I got snow boots, a toque, long pants, house shoes and so on ... there are even people say we need snow shoes for under the boots to be able to get trough the snow.
21. November
Ano River
Gleich zwei Fluesse laufen parallel von unserem Haus, dadurch hat man immer ein gleichmaessig Wasserrauschen zu hoeren. Der Ano Fluss im Bild zu sehen laeuft in den Tone Fluss hinein, der Tone Fluss hat wiederum seine Quelle in den Bergen zwischen den Praefekturen Niigata und Gunma und muendet in der Praefektur Chiba in den Pazifik welches eine Gesamtlaenge von 322 Kilometer sind.
Two rivers run parallel to our house, so you can always hear a steady (relaxing) rush of water. The Ano River in the picture runs into the Tone River, the Tone River has its source in the mountains between the prefectures of Niigata and Gunma and flows into the Pacific Ocean in the prefecture of Chiba, which is a total length of 322 kilometers.
Two rivers run parallel to our house, so you can always hear a steady (relaxing) rush of water. The Ano River in the picture runs into the Tone River, the Tone River has its source in the mountains between the prefectures of Niigata and Gunma and flows into the Pacific Ocean in the prefecture of Chiba, which is a total length of 322 kilometers.
14. November
Oshiri Tantei
Wer kennt noch Detektiv Parzival Po? Man guckt doch hin, auch wenn man nur am Buchladen vorbei geht.
Does anyone knows the stories of "Butt Detective"? I've seen the books already in other book stores but it's still kinda strange just seeing a printed butt with face on a book cover while passing by.
Does anyone knows the stories of "Butt Detective"? I've seen the books already in other book stores but it's still kinda strange just seeing a printed butt with face on a book cover while passing by.
12. November
Countryside idyll
7. November
Expensive tooth brush
Haben wir bei uns zuhause auch Zahnbuersten die so dichte Buersten haben? Beim fuehlen der Buersten erinnerte es mich eher an eine Plueschdecke ... . Ist ebenfalls auch nicht ganz so guenstig, die guenstigsten Buersten sind schon ein 1/10 des Preises zu haben.
I've never seen such a soft and expensive tooth brush. The brushes were so close and soft it reminded me to a velvet blanket. Would you get one?
I've never seen such a soft and expensive tooth brush. The brushes were so close and soft it reminded me to a velvet blanket. Would you get one?
5. November
Disney Sea Tokyo
Es war das erste mal fuer mich einer der Disney Parks zu besuchen. Im grossen und ganzen kann es fuer Disney-Fans eine spannende und aufregende Sache sein, fuer mich hat es sich eher angefuehlt wie jeder andere Freizeitpark in dem ich schon mal zu Besuch war, bzw. man sieht mal hier und dort ein wenig Disney aber mich hat es jetzt nicht so ueberzeugt.
Die grossen neuen Bauten rund um Peter Pan und die Eisprinzessin mit den Schloessern sind schon beeindruckend, aber dann war es das auch schon.
Dazu kommt noch die Masse an Menschen die trotz unter der Woche zu besuch waren. Beeindruckend das sich manche fuer 2 Minuten Fahrzeit 40m bis ueber eine Studen an den Fahrgeschaeften anstellen.
It was my first time visiting one of the Disney Parks. On the whole it can be an exciting and thrilling experience for Disney fans, for me it felt more like any other theme park I've been to, you can see a little Disney here and there but I wasn't that impressed.
The big new buildings around Peter Pan and the ice princess with the castles are impressive, but that's about it.
Then there was the mass of people who came to visit despite the fact that it was during the week. It's impressive that some people queue up from 40m to over an hour to attend the rides.
Die grossen neuen Bauten rund um Peter Pan und die Eisprinzessin mit den Schloessern sind schon beeindruckend, aber dann war es das auch schon.
Dazu kommt noch die Masse an Menschen die trotz unter der Woche zu besuch waren. Beeindruckend das sich manche fuer 2 Minuten Fahrzeit 40m bis ueber eine Studen an den Fahrgeschaeften anstellen.
It was my first time visiting one of the Disney Parks. On the whole it can be an exciting and thrilling experience for Disney fans, for me it felt more like any other theme park I've been to, you can see a little Disney here and there but I wasn't that impressed.
The big new buildings around Peter Pan and the ice princess with the castles are impressive, but that's about it.
Then there was the mass of people who came to visit despite the fact that it was during the week. It's impressive that some people queue up from 40m to over an hour to attend the rides.
1. November
Mt. Tanigawa
A view over the Japanese Alps, mountain over mountain and mountain.
Even with the veil clouds it was possible to see Mount Fuji with its famous shape.
As the gondola only takes you to up to 1500m, you would need to keep hiking if you want to reach the peak of 1977m of the mountain with an additionally approx. 2.5 hours.
Even with the veil clouds it was possible to see Mount Fuji with its famous shape.
As the gondola only takes you to up to 1500m, you would need to keep hiking if you want to reach the peak of 1977m of the mountain with an additionally approx. 2.5 hours.