28. Juni
Happy birthday to me

Ein Tag wie jeder andere auch ;)


Same day, same event ;D

26. Juni
lustiges Fenchel

Aus unserem Garten selbst geerntetes Fenchel, jetzt ueberlegen wir nur noch welches wir Gericht damit machen ...


Funny veggie right? It is fennel and own grown, so we know where it comes from. Now we will have a look what we will cook.

20. Juni
Die Post kann kommen

Da es keinen Briefkasten gab, habe ich heute provisorisch aus einem Schuhkarton mit Wasserfestenfolie einen Briefkasten gebastelt. Ob die Folie dann wirklich Wasserabweisend ist werde ich nach dem naechsten Regenschauer sehen.


Finally I can receive mail! I took a shoe box made cut for mail and wrapped the box with waterproofed film. Let's see it will survive the next rain.

18. Juni
Put a Flag on it

12. Juni
Flowers, flowers and flowers

Wie hatten einen super vormittag in einer Staudengärtnerei. So viele verschiedene Blumen zum anschauen uns aussuchen.


What looked like a big garden is a flower shop with so many different kinds of flowers right in an unremarkable neighborhood. We strolled around, chose and bought some flowers and had there also a small yummy lunch.

8. Juni
So much too choose

Vielleicht greifen wir auch noch einmal auf meine Textilfarben zurück 🤔

Meine Schwester hatte sich erst kürzlich ein T-shirt selbst bemalt.


So much to choose, but luckily I still have some textile colour for clothes.

We are thinking about to design our own t-shirt, maybe, let’s see.


Thank you for checking out my blog!

The inital of creating this online diary was a work and holiday program starting in September 2017, in Canada. After leaving the Canadian Westcoast in autumn 2020, I returned back to Germany for nearly two years where I already prepared my time in Japan where I stayed from 2022 October an entire year. After a couple months living in New Zealand I am about to head to new adventures, which I will let you know here on my blog.

You can find short stories and stunning images from the Canadian Westcoast, my hometown in Germany and Japan with its rich culture and delicious food.