24. Mai
Haeschen Huepf

Der neue Hasenstall fuer die Junghaeschen meiner Schwester. Wir waren den Vormittag zu besuch und haben uns die Haeschen das erste mal angeguckt.


My sister and her boyfriend build this rabbit house a week ago and the birthday rabbits got in their new place.

21. Mai
Say hello

Ich war etwas ueberrascht als der Schmetterling aus dem Haenger direkt auf meine Brust flog und dort ein wenig verharrte, anscheinend war er erst vor kurzem entpuppt.


How often this happen? I was surprised the butterfly flew directly on my chest and he seemed kinda comfortable for a while.

14. Mai

Gemuese und Obst wie weit das Auge reicht.


I've learned so much about veggies and fruits! As more you know you appreciate it more, I know how to store it, to use, and where it grows resp. where it all comes from. Living in the European Union we have food coming from all over as well the season veggies and fruits from all over the world.
5. Mai
Window colour

Meine Kinderzimmerfenster meiner Mutter sei dank! Beim Fotoalben durchblaettern kommen wieder Erinngerung hoch.


It's been a long time since my windows were that colourful.

2. Mai
Where have you been?

Super wenn man alles selber machen kann bzw. es erleichtert einen einiges. Ich wuerde gerne noch mehr Stecknadeln stecken, aber bis dahin muss ich mich noch ein wenig gedulden.


Finally I made my own world map pinnwall. I wish I could put more pins already, but with a reason it didn't happen resp. we have to sit tight.


Thank you for checking out my blog!

The inital of creating this online diary was a work and holiday program starting in September 2017, in Canada. After leaving the Canadian Westcoast in autumn 2020, I returned back to Germany for nearly two years where I already prepared my time in Japan where I stayed from 2022 October an entire year. After a couple months living in New Zealand I am about to head to new adventures, which I will let you know here on my blog.

You can find short stories and stunning images from the Canadian Westcoast, my hometown in Germany and Japan with its rich culture and delicious food.