30. Januar
Pommes Currywurst

Ein der besten Gerichte die es gibt, jedes mal lecker!


Some fries, curry sauce, a sausage and mayonnaise is one of the best combination. I can highly recommend to try it!

27. Januar
Das Zwiebelmaenchen

Poetschke und sein Zwiebelmaenchen.


The onion man, to be found in our favourite gardencenter!

17. Januar

Wir haben Gruenkohl bekommen, nur die Kartoffeln fehlten noch. Bevor sie geschaelt und geschnitten wurden, wollten wir noch ein Foto machen.


Dinner was nearly ready, we got kale and sausage from my aunt and uncle and only the potatoes were missing. Before we started to prepare the potatoes we needed to make a picture.

13. Januar
Our neighbors

Da wir direkt am Feld wohnen, haben wir oefters das Glueck Rehe aus unserem Fenster zu beobachten. Es sind nicht die einzigen Tiere die wir sehen bzw. hoeren ;)


Because we are living right to the farmers field we are lucky to see often deers strolling around our house.

06. Januar
Banff National Park

Ein neues Bild kommt an die Wand! Ich muss nur noch ein freies Plaetzchen finden.


Throw back thursday, my bike trip trough the mountains around Banff. It was a nice experience and an awesome day, especially at that time the road was closed, so only bikes were on the street.

01. Januar

Waffeln mal vom Grill und nicht aus dem Waffeleisen, hat sein Charme und schmeckt ebenfalls super!


Almost every 1st of January my family makes waffles, this time we made them outside on the barbecue with an old waffle-pan from my grandpa. Even more Yummy!


Thank you for checking out my blog!

The inital of creating this online diary was a work and holiday program starting in September 2017, in Canada. After leaving the Canadian Westcoast in autumn 2020, I returned back to Germany for nearly two years where I already prepared my time in Japan where I stayed from 2022 October an entire year. After a couple months living in New Zealand I am about to head to new adventures, which I will let you know here on my blog.

You can find short stories and stunning images from the Canadian Westcoast, my hometown in Germany and Japan with its rich culture and delicious food.