04. November
Busy bees

Seit heute bzw. nach dem es die letzten beiden Tage geregnet hat und wir wieder arbeiten waren, standen Bienenstöcke verteilt auf der Plantage. Somit hatten wir zwischen den Kiwibäumen ab und an ein Summen im Ohr.


Since today, or rather after it rained the last two days and we were back at work, there have been beehives scattered around the plantation. This meant that we could hear a buzzing in our ears from time to time between the kiwi trees. But again, we had to be careful not to touch the bees sitting in the blossoms.

02. November
Molly B’s

Team Pohara ist zum Abendessen im Molly B’s, eine Bar die bei uns ganz in der Nähe ist.
Im gemütlichen Stil haben wir zusammen gegessen, was getrunken und eine Runde Billiard gespielt.

Hat Spaß gemacht.


Team Pohara went for dinner at Molly B's, a bar that is just five minutes from us by feet.
We ate together in a cozy atmosphere, had a drink and played a game of pool.

It was fun and yummy! By the way we ordered way to much food :D


Thank you for checking out my blog!

The inital of creating this online diary was a work and holiday program starting in September 2017, in Canada. After leaving the Canadian Westcoast in autumn 2020, I returned back to Germany for nearly two years where I already prepared my time in Japan where I stayed from 2022 October an entire year. After a couple months living in New Zealand I am about to head to new adventures, which I will let you know here on my blog.

You can find short stories and stunning images from the Canadian Westcoast, my hometown in Germany and Japan with its rich culture and delicious food.