Eine kleine Schicht an Schnee! Ich bin mal gespannt ob es noch mehr wird oder ob es morgen schon wieder weg ist … laut Wetterbericht geht es in Regen über.
A small layer of snow! I wonder if there will be more or if it will be gone again tomorrow ... according to the weather forecast it will turn into rain.
27. Februar

Snow snow snow
24. Februar

Very Vancouver.
Wie bei uns auch ist der Februar hier regnerisch, kalt und grau. Trotz alledem muss man mal vor die Tür, oder?
Same as back home , the February here is rainy, cold and grey. Despite all this, you have to get out of the house, right?
Same as back home , the February here is rainy, cold and grey. Despite all this, you have to get out of the house, right?
24. Februar

What a surprise
Damit habe ich nun nicht mit gerechnet, ein Mitbringsel für mich von einer Freundin, Hurra!
My friend brought me some souvenirs and left it on the door.
My friend brought me some souvenirs and left it on the door.
22. Februar

Serie 25
Ich wollte den Dino haben … habe aber leider nicht ganz so gut zu gegriffen :D
Ah too bad, I didn’t get the one figure I wanted. Since a while Lego is making those boxes which makes it even more difficult to see what you get.
Ah too bad, I didn’t get the one figure I wanted. Since a while Lego is making those boxes which makes it even more difficult to see what you get.
15. Februar

Main & East Hastings
I recently change the buses on Main and Hastings which is always a big surprise what is going on. My bus trip ended in Burnaby with a nice to the North Shore.
10. Februar

Brentwood Station
Beim umsteigen oder warten kommt an und mal ein Schnappschuss bei rum. Hier habe ich die Langzeitoption beim Telefon mal genutzt.
5. Februar

Nice sky, isn't it.
Ab und an haben wir hier ein super schönen Himmel, heute war wieder so ein Abend.
Quite often we are getting recently a beautiful sky during the sunset.
Quite often we are getting recently a beautiful sky during the sunset.
3. Februar

Heute stimmte das Wetter und die Laune um mal wieder ein paar Fotos zu machen. Rund um False Creek habe ich Fotos vom Science Museum, der Bahn, sowie die kleinen Taxi-Booten die im Hafen rumschippern geschossen.
Today the weather and the mood were right to take a few photos again. Around False Creek I took photos of the Science Museum, the train and the small cab boats sailing around the harbor.
Today the weather and the mood were right to take a few photos again. Around False Creek I took photos of the Science Museum, the train and the small cab boats sailing around the harbor.